Weblogs for Business

I’m ten minutes away from being part of a teleseminar on Weblogs for Business, and wanted to both point that out, and give anyone who pops in here a preview of my main idea: don’t think “weblog”, think “content management system”. That is, when people talk about weblogs for business, they often get excited about the “what’s new today” weblog/blog/diary factor, but when I think about business communication on the Web, I think about how I can get my message out to my customers in the fastest, most effective and easiest manner.

If I emailed this posting to everyone I know, would you get it? Probably not. If I had this as a static web page that I updated every so often, would you read it right now? Probably not. Would I update a static page on a frequent and regular basis? Unlikely.

And that’s what business weblogs are all about from a marketing and customer outreach perspective: an easy tool to make my communication with you, my potential customer, fast and efficient.

One comment on “Weblogs for Business

  1. Blogs for business: an easy tool to make communication with potential customers fast and efficient

    (SOURCE: Intuitive Systems: The Intuitive Life Weblog on “Weblogs for Business” )- Amen! QUOTE If I emailed this posting to everyone I know, would you get it? Probably not.

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