I’m liberating this entertaining trivia question from Ask Yahoo!, I freely admit it up front, but it’s too good not to share. Ever looked at a zipper and seen “YKK” stamped on it? Now we know what it stands for: Yoshida Kogyo Kabushikikaisha, the name of the Japanese founder. The letters were stamped onto the company’s products and eventually became the trademark and official name of the company.
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1) love the equation and 2) LOVE trivia stuff 😉
Then you should really like both Etymologic! — http://www.etymologic.com/ — and Trivial.Net — http://www.trivial.net/ — both of which are web-based trivia games, sorta-kinda. Check ’em out!
*grin* did Etymologic, and got 8 out of 10 on my first game 😉 cool