Thursday Talk: Should Users Customize Their User Interface?

Update: The venue is just about full so if you want to attend, please contact Beth ASAP!
If you have some free time, I’ll be giving a presentation this Thursday evening (the 17th of January) at the Broker Inn to the local chapter of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society and it’s free to attend.
Here’s the schedule:

  • 5:30 – social time, meet for drinks and appetizers
  • 6:30 pm: Dinner (order on your own starting at about 6:15 – $24)
  • 7:15 pm (roughly): Chapter business discussion
  • 7:30 pm: Program begins

If you aren’t interested in the proverbial rubber chicken (caveat: the Broker might have fabulous haute cuisine, I don’t know) then you can show up later for my talk.
Beth Meyer, the organizer, asks:

“Prospective attendees do need to RSVP to me so that we have a good number estimate. And I don’t think we have room for 10-20 more people – it’s not that big a room, they serve a sit-down dinner (a very nice one, I might add), and we already have 17 who plan to attend. I just called the Broker, and they said that beyond about 22 people, some people will be seated behind you while you talk or will be crammed into spots where it is hard for them to see and interact. If I have a firm number in advance (no later than Tuesday), I will make it work as best we can, but it would be good if you didn’t invite more than 4-5.”

Suffice to say, if you do want to attend, please contact her ASAP at bethmeyer at ye olde
By the way, they think I’ll be talking about the dull, academic topic of Trends in Social Computing and Human Factors but in fact I want to have a discussion about the dangers and opportunities presented by sites like MySpace and Facebook allowing users to create their own user interfaces and the ramifications on usability. Maybe we’ll have a hybrid talk. 🙂
Anyway, if you’re available, I’d love to see a few familiar faces in the audience!

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