Rebuilt photographic portfolio: feedback wanted

I’ve rebuilt my online photography portfolio, which you can find at It started out as a couple of scripts thrown together and now it’s a fairly sophisticated image display and presentation system. Rather than go on about its technological underpinnings, though, I’d rather invite you to go check it out and see some of my photographs. I’m particularly pleased with the Vail in Autumn series, and think you will be too. Don’t forget to click on any of the thumbnails to see much larger images. 🙂

5 comments on “Rebuilt photographic portfolio: feedback wanted

  1. What kind of camera are you using, Dave? Looks good. You seem to have a tendency to put your subject in the center of the frame – stop doing that when you take the shot and you’ll get fancier results.

  2. Thanks for your note, Tom! I’m using a Nikon D100 digital SLR camera, with a great Nikon 28-200mm ED zoom (the ED series have no aperture ring on the camera: they’re designed to work with cameras that control the aperture electronically). Because of the imaging optics, the digital camera actually results in a 1.5 multiplier to the focal length of the lens, so the lens is effectively a 42-300mm lens, which is a pretty phenomenal range for a single lens!
    I’m familiar with the “rule of thirds” for photographic composition, but the reminder is appreciated. I have lots of books on photography, and the desire to take some classes. I just need to perfect cloning so my clone can stay in the office working while I galavant about having fun. 🙂

  3. Thanks, Tim. When my wife bought it for me as a birthday present (!) the body was $1999. I have a $550 lens and a $350 flash too, and a $150 256MB CF card. But that’s it. No additional lenses, no additional accouterments! And.. there’s a definite learning curve on this camera compared to a point-and-shoot digital, but as I’m starting to get the hang of it, I’m really enjoying the results!

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