New Weblogs On My List

I’ve added a few new Weblogs to my ‘cool blogs’ list on the left side, weblogs run by friends of mine. They’re worth checking out:

  • Bill French runs Into the Myst which isn’t, as you might initially suspect, a gaming site, but rather a remarkably exploration of ways to make a more cooperative, more collaborative environment on the Web. Bill’s a great guy who I’ve known for years, and if there’s a team that can reinvent weblogs to be something more, he’ll be part of it.

  • Don Crowther runs 101 Public Relations, a site that’s well worth study and frequent visits. He’s a powerhouse in the online publicity world, what else can I say? I’ll say this: if you’re interested in building your site traffic, the information on Don’s weblog is worth paying for, and he’s giving it away for free. He’s the expert that all those spammers wish they were. 🙂

  • Michael Worth is just starting to grow Travel Tips & Tricks as part of his great CrewTags site, but given his sense of humor, extensive experience as a traveler and pilot, and general enthusiasm, I’m confident that Travel Tips & Tricks will become a must-read for every traveler. Oh, and the luggage tags from CrewTags are way cool!

Want to trade links to your weblog? Drop me a note, let’s chat about it.

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