What I’ll be talking about at Blogworld Expo next month

Join me at Blogworld ExpoI’m quite honored to be given a keynote slot and a regular speaking slot at the upcoming Blogworld Expo conference next month in Las Vegas. After much chewing on it, I’ve also finally nailed down my topics and session descriptions too:

KEYNOTE: HOW WE GOT HERE: The State of Blogging and Where It’s Heading

Starting as online personal journals, participatory media has exploded in the last few years and is now widely viewed as a credible and legitimate avenue for corporations, groups and individuals to spread their viewpoint and perspective. Bloggers are the new investigative journalists and op-ed writers, podcasters are marginalizing commercial radio and video bloggers are offering a meaningful alternative to the same old industry pap. In this engaging session, I’ll talk about what I see as the state of blogging and new media and offer up some ideas about where we’re going and how you can be a part of the future of human communication

Ten Things You Need to Know about Search Engines & Findability

You’ve probably heard the mantra that “it’s all about producing quality content”, but you and I both know that without the ability for people to find you when they look for information in your space, the best content in the world will languish and wither. In this session, I’ll take participants on a whirlwind tour of how search engines work and offer ten critical tips to help you maximize your findability in Google and everywhere else online. Circle this one: You won’t want to miss it!

I hope those sound interesting and will entice you to join us in Las Vegas! I will also hasten to share that the early bird discount on conference registration ends August 22, so don’t waste too much time waiting to register if you are going to join us!

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