I’ve thought about this for a while: mingled in with the stupid and lame spam I receive are the occasional ironic messages, messages with misspelled entreaties to get a graduate degree, etc. In general, receiving over 100 spam messages a day, I can either view it as highly annoying or a potential source of amusement. I opt for the latter. So, without further ado, my ever-growing list of entertaining spam…
In no particular order:
From: Lois Lee <lois@netlist11873649hsm987.com> Subject: Have you ever missed a great oppurtunity?
Dig that groovy domain name for the email, eh? And we certainly wouldn’t want to miss a great “oppurtunity”, would we? Alas, it’s just selling refilled ink jet catridges, so I won’t end up a millionaire from this one.
From: caroline <carol@senditover.com> Subject: Hardcore Toon Humiliations
Aren’t cartoon characters already humiliated by being so darn two-dimensional already?
From: Fat Pockets <freedom@dailypromo1.com> Subject: Stop Worrying about Debt, We'll show you how
versus the alternative pitch for the same service:
From: Extra Value <ExtraValue@betahydri.ew01.com> Subject: Get out of debt now
Which would you choose? 🙂
Here’s another one that’s a classic:
From: <bmsbae424@yahoo.com> Subject: Re: Never pay for porn again, your FREE paysite is here! .... lots of junk removed .... This is a one time targeted mailing, but you may remove yourself by (removes are processed once a month) Clicking Here
Alright, so if it’s free, how can it be a paysite? And if it’s really a one time mailing, why would I want to remove myself from the list? Ah, the mystery and wonder of spam…