I send out mailings with the latest information on my books, speaking gigs, conference schedule and other opportunities for you and I to communicate, and another one just went out earlier this evening. Here’s a copy of the message…
Hello everyone and welcome to another of my very sporadic issues of Dave Taylor’s Author News!
Right off the top, I’m delighted to announce that all the behind-the-scenes delays have been overcome and my next book, a trade business title co-authored with IBM Senior VP Linda Sanford, is scheduled to come out next month from Prentice-Hall. It’s called Let Go To Grow: Escaping the Commodity Trap and the very first wave of testimonials are quite positive:
“Let Go To Grow is a must-read for executives who are trying to use strategy and management practices to drive innovation…”
“Sanford and Taylor carefully analyze the global marketplace and offer a progressive new strategy for transforming an underperforming business… A pioneering blueprint for the 21st-century business.”
Those of you used to my technical materials might be pleasantly surprised to delve into a management and business book, but, then again, if the phrase “business ecosystem” makes you feel queasy, then it might not be the book for you. But for your CEO, well, it might well be the perfect holiday present for an upwardly mobile professional. 🙂
My recently-released book Growing Your Business with Google continues to receive glowing reviews in the online community and was even chosen as the first selection by the Linked In business book club, of all things! I continue to keep the blog associated with the book current with the latest Google news, Q&A about search engines and optimization, and much more, all at findability.info. Please pop in there occasionally (or subscribe to the RSS feed) to keep up on what’s going on in the world of Google, search engines, online marketing and findability.
I also wanted to let those of you on this list know about a special eight week business blogging teleseminar series I’m going to be doing with my friend and SEO expert Brad Fallon. The class is almost full, but if you’ve been considering traveling to one of my workshops or thinking that you’d like to hire me to help grow your business then this could be a very exciting (and lower cost) alternative.
I know I’m really enthused to get started with our comprehensive soup-to-nuts curriculum, along with our scheduled private chats with many of the most well-known business bloggers in the industry. Even if your company is just considering using blogs, learning how to get involved with other bloggers or track industry activity, it’s going to be a smart and engaging series full of both best practices and insider tips and tricks, all without leaving the comfort of your own home or office.
Curious and ready to learn more? Please pop over to:
Business Via Blog.com
and you can read all about exactly what we’ll be covering and the kind of positive results you will see for your own online business once you start applying our business blogging ideas and techniques.
Finally, since I seem to have switched from talking about books to sharing some of my new ventures, I’d also like to point you to an electronic book that my colleague Chris Buechler and I have written about wireless security and how to lock down your computer and, especially, laptop to ensure that you retain your privacy and confidentiality when using wireless (particularly public wireless) networks: Connect Safely.com
That’s it for now. Still working on two proposals, one for another business title and the other on parenting, but who knows what the new year will bring in that regard…
Thanks for reading and best regards,
Dave Taylor
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