Just when I’d completely given up hope: Yahoo! comes through

For at least a year I’ve been writing that people should submit their site listings to Yahoo! but not hold their breath: the odds of getting your listing added to Yahoo! without paying their ridiculous fee of $299 seemed vanishingly thin. Further, I’ve also written about how Yahoo! has lost its way, getting so excited about being a Media Company that they’ve forgotten to lavish any attention on their online directory, the heart of their ostensible empire.

So you can imagine my surprise when I received the following email message…

This is what I got from Yahoo! this morning, after submitting a site less than two weeks ago:

The URL you suggested


has been added to Yahoo!. It will appear after our next update, probably
within the next 2-4 days. You can find your site at that time by looking
through the “What’s New” listings (http://www.yahoo.com/new/)
or by searching on its title or URL.

It has come to our attention that various organizations have been sending
unsolicited messages to new sites that appear in our listings. We’re sorry
if you’re inconvenienced by messages of this kind; Yahoo! does not condone
these messages in any way, nor do we divulge to anyone contact information
for the sites we list.

Thank you for taking the time to suggest your site. We rely on our users
to make Yahoo! complete and comprehensive. In order to keep Yahoo!
accurate, please also let us know of any future changes that might affect
your listing.

If you haven’t already done so, and you’d like to return the favor
and put Yahoo! on your own site, please see
http://www.yahoo.com/docs/yahootogo/ for detailed instructions.

Thanks again,

The Yahoo! Team

Amazing. It restores a bit of my faith in the team at Yahoo! and makes me wonder if there was some sort of internal realignment — or response to Google’s pending IPO? – that caused the directory to gain more personnel. Be that as it may, if you’ve been thinking about submitting listings to Yahoo!, now might be a good time to do so.

Now if we could just get DMOZ to be even slightly responsive to suggested site additions…

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