Join Stompernet, learn everything about Internet marketing

A few years ago I jumped headfirst into the world of Internet marketing, speaking at a variety of conferences that ranged from pretty good to scary awful pitchfests where audience members apparently willingly took a few days out of their lives to sit passively while hucksters aggressively sold the latest 21st century snake oil from the stage.
Now, before I get into too much trouble, I learned a lot from the experience, made some really splendid friends, and connected with some online business entrepreneurs that I’d never had met otherwise. Just as importantly, I learned that making money online doesn’t inherently sully the purity of the Internet.
Stompernet!Nonetheless I knew fairly quickly that I’m not really cut out for the marketing event circuit, so it was with great relief when my friends Andy Jenkins and Brad Fallon asked me to get involved with a new idea in the space, Stompernet. Their vision: get all the smartest people in the same room and sell access passes, but not to hear pitches, but rather to learn from the experts.
I can tell you that Stompernet has shaken up the world of Internet Marketing, because for the cost of one person’s unproven package, you can sign up for a few months of access to everyone in the Stompernet community. Sounds like a better deal, doesn’t it? The economic case is obvious and with hundreds of videos, thousands of discussion threads, weekly faculty conference calls and webinars, on-ground events every 3-4 months, and much much more, it’s one heck of a deal.
Problem is, Stompernet’s been closed to new members for months and months now, which is one reason I haven’t written about it too much. No point in getting you cranky! 🙂 Tomorrow, however, 22 May, 2008, the door will open again.
Not sure about Stompernet? I encourage you to check out some of our member testimonials?

I know you won’t regret it!

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