Ah, the priorities of our world. Not only is Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix going to have a phenomenal first print run of 8.5 million copies, but it’s even bumping other authors to different launch dates (Harry’s due on 21 June, about five weeks from now). As Publishers Weekly tells it:
“Scholastic has been so intent on ensuring a healthy amount
of stock that it has timed production to avoid a June rush, when
machines will be clanking with the six and seven-figure runs for
Hillary Clinton, James Patterson, summer beach novels and textbooks.
In fact, the two printers handling the new Potter, R.R. Donnelley and
Quebecor, already have the files for the Order of the Phoenix and have
put them into pre-production. Copies are expected to start coming off
the presses by Memorial Day weekend.”
To continue quoting this interesting article:
“One thing that printers say is not exceptional about this run:
Security. Despite that strange incident in an English field last week
and Scholastic’s famously copious attention to avoiding leaks,
American printers say they haven’t imposed any extra measures
at their plants nor have they required employees to sign
non-disclosure agreements. “We haven’t erected any special fences,”
says Jerry Allee of Quebecor. “The key to good security often is just fast
turnaround.”It should be noted that not everyone involved with Potter security is quite so levelheaded. A story in London’s Independent today described the injunction
obtained by Bloomsbury against a defendant in the field incident as the “kind
that one would normally expect to be used to prevent disclosure of nuclear
secrets by renegade MI5 agents.”
And if that doesn’t make you feel safer tonight, well, what will?