Having AnswerSquad around is really amazing…

I know that I’m part of the expert team at AnswerSquad, but like all of us, I only have a finite amount of brain cells and therefore only have specific areas where I consider myself particularly knowledgeable. When I’m on the Macintosh or my Linux system, I’m comfortable and can find my way around quite well. But as part of the development process for my new book Creating Cool Web Sites, I’ve begun spending hours at a time working on my Windows XP system. And …

Well, there are times that I look at the screen in amazement and wonder about how this setup is the most popular operating system in the world (Windows), and then fight – and lose – with Microsoft Word and realize that I’m failing to get the application to work, the best selling application in the world, and I don’t even have the excuse that it’s “not on its native OS”.

That’s why it’s really great to have access to AnswerSquad! Whether my question is about how to have my Windows XP system automatically log me in when I boot, whether I’m trying to figure out if the C:\WINNT directory really is my old, unused Windows 2000 Professional installation (it was), or even just how to get a simple macro to work properly in Word, I ask questions of the AnswerSquad team, and within an hour or two I have 2-3 experts offering me specific, details, accurate, and correct suggestions on how to solve the problem, address the issue, or work around the glitch.

It’s amazing. Without AnswerSquad I can only imagine how I would either be wasting hundreds of hours thrashing, or I would just grumble and deal with the problems and quirks, time and time again, day after day, wasting my time, and, most importantly, wasting my energy. Energy I’d much rather turn towards more useful and interesting pursuits than the never-ending cycle of configuring, debugging, and troubleshooting my PC and network.

Whether you’ve a tech support group at your firm, whether you are your tech support group, or especially if you’re in a home office and have either nowhere to turn, or one or two geeky friends who sometimes have a clue about how to solve your problems, you owe it to yourself and your company to check out AnswerSquad. And here’s the best thing: this month only, AnswerSquad is running a special promotion where if you sign up through this link you’ll be eligible to receive a free technical book, written and signed by one of the AnswerSquad experts.

Sorry to have such a spammy sort of advert, but this last week has demonstrated quite dramatically how valuable having the AnswerSquad team can be to me, and I surmise it’d be just as wonderful and valuable to you too, if you checked it out!

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