For those of you who are always looking for fun and interesting conferences, I’m pleased to announce that I’m going to be joining a panel of experts at Gnomedex IV to talk about weblog marketing, and then just a few days later, I’ll be teaming up with Hurricane Electric to offer a one-day Intro to Unix System Administration workshop.
Gnomedex should be crazy, kewl, geeky, and really fun — previous Gnomedex conferences, as hosted by the inimitable Chris Pirillo, have been some of the best networking events I’ve attended in recent years. This time, Gnomedex is situated in beautiful Lake Tahoe, California and is scheduled for 30 Sept through 2 Oct. A weekend gig, it’ll be well worth your time. But don’t just listen to me, read what other say about the event.
And the Hurricane Electric workshop in Fremont, California on Sunday, the 3rd of October, should be a bit slower paced, a bit less packed with celebrities, but a great – and surprisingly inexpensive – opportunity for you to take your Unix / Linux / Mac OS X command line skills from beginner level up to intermediate/advanced and learn the basics of system administration on a Unix box too. Darn useful information to have, and you can sign up today and guarantee a spot by visiting their Web site.
I hope to meet some of you at these events!