Is this marketing pitch really what you need nowadays to make your tech/geek event stand out from the masses? My pal Chris Pirillo has announced the fourth annual “Gnomedex” event for Sept/Oct of this year, but this time instead of being in scintillating Des Moines, Iowa, it’s in Lake Tahoe, California. And the first draft slogan for the event? martinis + laptops = BIG FUN!”
Chris, do we really need the alcohol as a marketing hook? Ah well, check it out yourself at Gnomedex 4.0.
As for me? I’ll probably be there. These events are definitely fun and a chance to meet some great ‘net folk. Who knows, maybe this year Chris’ll invite me to speak at Gnomedex. 🙂
Does this mean that all the geeks under 21 will be staying home? :/
That’s an interesting question, Dan. The Gnomedex 4.0 FAQ suggests that people under 18 stay home, but for those people who are 18-21 I am unsure what they’ll be doing at the event, since the national drinking age is 21 last I checked. Chris? Any words of wisdom? 🙂